Rough Spots

Happy August, Everyone!  Human Nature is the main topic this month, along with apologies for my lack of normal presence.  Summer has been really rough this year between overwhelming heat (for me), difficulties breathing during those hot days, physical aspects of my health, plus depression on top of all that.

It is important to recognize how you feel, but everybody knows that…right?  Then why does society want to brush us away when people are not at the top of their game?  Almost as if our bad health -whatever it might be- is something we choose or need to be ashamed of.  There is a difference about not being happy about it and being ashamed.  Never be ashamed of your bad health.  Hopefully you are doing the best you can to deal with it – give yourself a pat on the back.  Here’s hugs to all who face health struggles!

As I’m sure all of you are aware by now, when I’m not at the top of my game, getting out into nature is often the best possible medicine for me.  Just a couple weeks ago I received help from an unexpected and less reliable source – inspiration for my writing by a celebrity.  The celebrity has no idea who I am and that is not the point.  The inspiration came about through videos, television shows and music of his.

The compiled work lifted me up.  An unfinished manuscript that has been sitting on the shelf for years due to being stuck…is now clearly defined where the ending is going.  Working on it again is stimulating.  That in-turn has helped even further, since mental attitude towards your troubles can make a total difference in how you are doing.

I fervently hope none of you are having difficulties … if you are, please remember not to expect huge fixes.  Sometimes it’s the little things which give us a huge boost and help with all the other things.

Have a great rest of your summer!  As always, I would love to hear from you.  What things work for helping you through rough spots?  Oh – and don’t forget to SMILE whenever you can!

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